Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A New Leaf?

I'm going to Taylors in June. June 30th to be exact. Doing A-levels there.

Got it? So stop asking me when you see me then.

What have i been doing? Thats none of your buisness either. Really. I don't have to explain myself to everyone. All I can say is, I didn't regret the last six months one bit.

So I guess for nearly everyone, by June; a new leaf will be turned over.

I Hope it's a better leaf. You know, the malar hijau kind instead of the dead-autumn-kind.

For once, Thank God we live in the tropics.

And I will miss you soo much Flo. Kampar isn't as near as i hope it'd be.

I hate moving on. It was never nice. I hate you college.


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