Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Don't you even dare ask WHY I'm swearing.
Jal Jal, your highlighters are still with me (am tempted to highlight my notes with it)
Cheeky Cheeks, So gonna watch it with you on Friday. We'll witness Jal's man-gasms. They're hilarious.
Beep. Beep. All messages relayed to two men.
Cu both in 2.
Ciao ciao.
PSPS : PCD's NEW video is ... Outta this WORLD.
They've still got game.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hail Goh Goh!

We are brought up in a society whereby respect is ESTABLISHED and not gained or achieved.

When we are born and when we grow up, we are brought up to call our parents not by their names but a title that will differentiate us from them. Parents now have established this gap; differentiating us from them. We now respect them unconditionally. Same goes for our elders. We call our siblings goh (big brother) and che (big sister); our aunties and uncles now have titles for themselves; our grandparents expect respect, occasionally expecting more respect from us than we give our very own parents.

And their excuse? "It's because we're older."

My answer? "Go die"

If they have not done anything to have suddenly gained this established respect then why give it to them. If they have not shown you any respect, but expect it, you have no reason to respect them.

It is in our cultural roots, being Asian, that we are meant to respect our elders no matter what. We are even brought up in schools to respect elders that we don't even know about. Strangers, imagine. We must respect the old people of our country. For what? They have done nothing for me; did they for you? What makes you think I suddenly need to respect them?

Don't tell me if an old cranky aunty came up to you in the LRT demanding you give up your seat for her you would? She has done NOTHING to gain your respect for you to give up your seat. Furthermore, she DEMANDS it? Ask her to go die.

The same goes for your siblings. If your older brothers and sisters don't respect you, why in the world should you respect them and do what they say? And for you people who call your older siblings goh or che I have a bone to pick with you lot. WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU DO IT? Why do you insist on creating a gap between you and your siblings. You now see them as being superior, not of the same level. What is the purpose of this title? Go on, answer me this question. I dare you to. Why do you call your older siblings by titles that only differentiate you from them.
You can't answer the question. You have a better chance of solving an add maths question.

I challenge you, a challenge that comes easy for me for I have been brought up this way. First, if you have younger siblings, ask them to stop calling you by a title, tell them that there is no need for this, you have not done anything SO significant as for them to call you by a title that establishes superiority. Next, after you realize there is no need for your younger sibling to call you by a title, you then are ready to stop calling YOUR older sibling a title. Cheng, cheng, cheng. Go on do it. For those who have the courage to break out of this shell our culture has cocooned around us you're doing our culture a favour and your children's culture a favour.

When I have children of my own, I think I'll ask them to call me by my name. A social experiment.

Okay, I lost my steam to continue this rant. Plus, Tenacious D is on now.

So, remember, stop respecting people who never respected you or demand respect from you. And please stop calling your siblings/cousins/aunts/uncles/grandparents/parents (if you dare) by titles that establish them as your superiors. To heck with titles. You still can respect others without them establishing superiority over you. (I'm still working on the parents and grandparents part)

So, message of the day: Screw respect unless it is gained or is mutual.

Sebatang Kara

I hate these 1 man show times, when Ming's internet decides to PMS while Jal hibernates. Or maybe its college. A-Levels huh.

Yum Cha 4 was great. Huge laughs, it was nice to meet Florence and share our stories about UTAR from 2 different places and not to mention Ding dishing out cash like water (credit card, credit card). Stupid seafood, Indomee officially ban edi.

Going into week 10 now, I must say I'm witnessing miracles. Despite somewhat heavy procrastinations, assignments deadlines are able to be met. Thank God for that. Now I can finally cross out most of the notes from the ever-guilt-imposing Post-It notes on my desktop. Feels great yet guilty still.

Oh Friday, where art thou friday? Can't wait to catch The Dark Knight (yea slow I know but what to do). Not to mention the Charades competition at Uni. So much for being not so involved.

*exhales* Ciao.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Had some spare time. Not very good but had to start somewhere. Enjoy!

More to come hopefully!

P.S : Sorry to have to make you squint your eyes to read the words. The original image is very wide so Blogger shrink it down for me. But if you want to view the real deal, here is the link for my die hard fans.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Whose Dream?

My church is going to be having a play entitled "Whose Dream?" next weekend(August 1-3). Its going to be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8.30pm - 10.00pm. The ticket is RM5. For more details check out the flier and synopsis below :

Synopsis:- The year is 1985. Mr and Mrs Khoo run a successful prawn mee stall in Kepong. They have only one son, Ah Kiang, in whom they put all their hopes. Mr Khoo has put together the ‘perfect’ plan for Ah Kiang to study accounting in Australia. Ah Kiang’s passion, however, is in something completely different and he is determined to pursue it. ‘Whose Dream?’ is a story of clashes of hopes, dreams, family love, gratitude and most importantly, having one’s heart in the right place.

For those interested, you can SMS me or drop a comment on the chatbox to indicate that you are interested and I'll arrange the tickets for you.

On transport, those who are living in the immediate SS2 area should be able to get there no problem. For others, if you are going to ask me, I'm going to tell you to take the LRT to Asia Jaya, take the T628 bus and walk there anyway so I'm sorry to say you might wanna arrange your own transport or if feel very dulan over my suggestion, you can still contact me and I'll try and should be able to arrange some less dulan form of transport for you(serious).

So if you feel the love or just a sudden craving for Prawn Mee, why not give this a try?

Thursday, July 17, 2008


As you can clearly see. This week's chemistry solution is purple (phenolphthalein)
I know in theory it's supposed to be pink and what-fuck.
But shuttup la. I prefer purple, so i added a few drops extra.
I'm ALLOWED to do that.

I learnt how to use a Volumetric Flask today. It's supposed to be shaken. Not stirred.
Yes, I learnt it the hard-way.
I tried stirring the solution in the flask,
using a glass rod.

And this is a fabulous picture of everyone with their individual retort stands and burettes.
I love love love Chemistry practicals.
They're so much.

Thats the college update for you two.
Tomorrow is happy day.
Yay. Can't wait.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Imagine me too! (no pun)

Hoho. Jal and Cheeks posting on the same day.
I also wan.

TOo bad for you bitches I'm lovin' all my subjectssssss.
And for Jal, my graphs are all fucking real.
And for Cheeks, ... opps? I don't have Accounts!
Sore sore?

No thumbs up for the stupid Dark Knight hype.
I'm only gonna watch it because of you two bitches,
And probably stay behind with you two,
In the empty cinema,
A non-existent final-bit-teaser-shitcake.

HoHo. Life is fantabulous.

. . . . .

Who am I kidding?
I'll be studying orbitals,
And plotting 50-zamillionth graphs,
Right, After this post.
It was nice to think my life was slightly better,
Then the two of you,
For that small teeny,
Teenie, teeeny, moment.

Imagine all three babeh.
PS : you kinda have to read the two other post for today to understaaandd.

Imagine this too while you're at it

I wouldn't have thought that Jal would despise Econs so much. I always anticipated that he would love it as much as I did. But that aside, this isn't going to be an Econs bashing session but for me personally, its a Accounts bashing session.

See unlike Jal, who has the benefit of not being able to comprehend a single word that is uttered in Econs, I on the other hand have the curse of being able to understand Accounts lecture but becomes totally blank when I attempt the questions myself.

I mean what the hell? Is this even possible? This is insane, mainly because Accounts mid term is this Friday (which adds to the anger since it means I won't be able to catch The Dark Knight, two thumbs up for the posthumous Oscar). The day I came to realize this was yesterday during Accounts tutorial. There was even a glimmer, just a glimmer, of hope when my Accounts lecturer joked about dropping subjects though the line between jokes and insults in her intonation seems ever so blur.

I don't have a description as vivid as Jal's but its just dulan. This week marks the end of my horrendous extra classes stuffed with mid terms and assignments. Really hardly any room to breathe but enough room to be slashing Wutai grunts on the PSP. Procrastination, procrastination. Don't try it at home kids.


Shit lah. My comp died-resurrected-then died again. Remind you of any world renown icon till this day is the stuff of legends? My comp didn't die on crossing planks of wood I assure you; and no need to worship my comp. It just died. Nothing special. Ergo, I am now typing a blog post in the college library.

But it is extrememly painful. Have not killed anyone on CoD4 for such an extremely long time I think my sniper is turning cold. I so need to warm it up again.

College is currently a grey area in my like and dislike spheres. In my dislike spheres are homophobes, racists and The Made Of Honour. In my like spheres are Jessica-I can't act for nuts-Alba and Little Miss Sunshine which I caught on StarMovies after the whole petrol debate thingy.

Now added to my dislike sphere is Econs. I dislike the subject man. It's so subjective, so random.

Econs is the pain in my ass, the thorn at my side, my vex, my annoyance, the scratch of my head, the frown on my face etc. Sigh. I just don't get it. In science everything is so precise; everything follows a law.

If you eat food it will go down your throat then into your stomace etc. In econs it really isn't like that. It's like the food is suddenly hypothetical and the stomach is now imaginary.

I was asked to draw an, I quote "imaginary graph" yesterday. AN IMAGINARY GRAPH.

How do you do that? Do I use a pencil or not? Do I draw it on paper or not? Do I just imagine the axes? How about the values? Do I just make up my own and hope for the best?

My graph looked like a smiley face.

Econs lah econs. Why you so like that. But I think I'll just give it time. Hopefully I will start liking it soon.

Lit Is extremely fun. And my lecturer being da bomb helps tremendously. Or maybe it's BECAUSE she is da bomb (like the C4 najib planted on Altantuya) that makes Lit so enjoyable. I have her class in 40 minutes time.

Dark Knight premiers tonight. A definite must watch. There is actual news circulating saying the late Ledger might actually have a chance to win a posthumous Academy Award for his stellar performance as the psychopathic, anarchist, Joker.

Ah, so chun. Must watch; must watch.

If you have noticed I am now merely rambling. So! I leave you for now.

Hope my comp gets fixed by this weekend. The person next to me is surfing something nasty and---ah shucks he's turning my way. Bye.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My voice is back and I no longer sound like a sleezy slut.

I'm so exhausted I haven't got much to say today.

Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say but
Lord, I feel so small sometimes in this big old place
Yeah, I know theres more important things, but
Don't forget to remember me..
-Carrie Underwood, Don't Forget to Remember Me.

All those faraway people. Don't forget about me.
No matter how busy I get,
I'd still want to hear from you.
I miss you ;(

That said.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't turn off the lights, just yet ;)

Fridays and Saturdays are happydays.

Sundays are dreadful days.

Monday to Thursday are oh-my-god wtf am i doing days.

Weekend ; why do you have to leave me so? ;(

Anyways, moving swiftly along.
Drama drama!

Yesterday found me with an accident involving a junior scout and a tree. I was minding my own business (you-know-what-i-mean). when i spotted a girl lying on the ground beside a tree looking as if she decided to sunbathe in the middle of Troop Meeting.

Tho; why would anyone want to sunbathe under a tree with their clothes on, Is wayyy beyond me.

But of course I was just being stupid.

Turns out she fell off a tree and Jeremy/Wee Kiat were deciding what to do with her. So we called the ambulance and stuff (exciting eh? first time I dialled the emergency hotline!) and sir TL took charge of the whole situation.

Thank God, I wouldn't want to stick around to take charge. I'm not trained for that kinda pressure.

But she was fine, nothing broken and whatnot. Tho me and my mates were all wondering loudly at dinner if she'd end up paralyzed.

Which is not very funny lah.

Damn bad bad badddd la you Huey Ee ;P

I spyyy pretty girls!

Wahliao eh. Who are these hot chickkaaliddasss taking pictures with Yong Ming??
That bastard *tee hee*

You'll just have to stick around to find out.
In the meantime,
I hate hate hateeee Sundays.
Because Mondays are after Sundays.
Whyyyyyy ;(


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Okok. I know I complain a-LOT about college and I don't seem to post pictures up anymore.


To satisfy you bitches. I took pictures at Coll today.

Whats the occassion? Well, it's the second time I've ever taken any science experiment seriously ( my first being yesterday at Bio) (Jess would understand totally)

aNd I'm proud to say I managed to get my solution orange la fuck. Fabulous neh.

This is Isaac (aka tall-dood). Using a burette.

This is my friend *opps* using a filter funnel with a burette.

Tres' interesting?? Theres more!

This is me (yes ME) evaporating my perfect salt solution. Bagus. AND i didn't blow anything up. So don't comment something stupid please.

And heres the rest of the table who I sit with during Chemistry labs. Today was kinda stressful as everyone kept getting pink instead of orange at several trials.

Oh. dugaan. Its pink instead of orange!!

Thats all for today readers.

Teach : Are the boys in this class very quiet like my other class?

Moi : Well yeah, if you're comparing us all to Alicia.
- July 10th ,Class B26

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How do you spell NERD?

Im sucha NERD.

Britney is slutting away on my speakers and I'm not even paying attention.

Im sucha NERD that

as I sleep I think about electrons

Im sucha NERD that

I haven't had a proper night-out in 2 fucking weeks.


how about this??
I'm so nerdy, I'm worst than 3 Cheng Hongs.
thats saying alot , no?

Sorry Ch, It's because of your pink comment.

Where are the two of you lah fuck.
Don't care about me adi?
This weekend musttttttt,
ask me out.

PS : Have you seen beyonce at the Fashion Rocks? her Deja Vu performance was CRAZEE!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Stuff a Tissie up your Nosey,

Ah. So much mucus is leaking from my nose, it's not even cute anymore.

So its Monday (again) and the weekends are over. This is probably the fastest weekend I've had in ages. Probably because the prospect of having to be somewhere come Monday, has speed-ed the clock up.

I'm surprised this phenomenon doesn't have a scientific theory behind it. Haven't you wondered why when you're dreading something, time trickles speedily and when you're looking forward to something (ie. the last 10 minutes of your final paper), that 10 minutes suddenly feel like a whole hour?

I do, writing my name on a piece of paper 5-zamillinonth-times doesn't seem to cut 10 minutes at all.

in-other-news (stolen from Lisa)

Classes were great today (except Chemistry and LAN) and I bumped into an old friend from DJ. Looks like Taylors isn't sucha big world after all you two men.

Tell me how the night went. Wish I could've been there. Honestly.

Oh about my neighbor? Well she just screams a lot at her children and it isn't very funny when her voice is audible at around 1-2Am in the morning when everybody is trying to get a shut-eye. Plus, it seems to be a nightly ritual as far as she is concerned.

Oh, not to mention. That psycho-bitch also has the same ritual every morning so you don't get enough sleep AND you wake up earlier than you have to. I also forgot to mention that her kids are in their 20s.

Now, doesn't that justify a death-by-curving-bullet you say?



Sunday, July 6, 2008

Here's to You!

Phew, glad I am able to survive another week. Week 6 is out of the way. Week 7 has 1 assignment due plus a whole lot of less time for other assignments.

But life is not all about college right? Right.

So this week I had a few haven't-been-home-for-over-12hours days. One of which was Wednesday.

Wednesday CF was powerpacked. I was in-charge for the opening icebreaker session before the main event, and thank God it went super well. After that Paul (I would love to introduce you all to Paul but it would not do justice to him if I did it here, later I kena sumpit) kicked off the movie. Today's meeting was dubbed Popcorn CF and we watch the movie "Facing The Giants". If you haven't watch it, watch it.

After that I went for the ever bubbling pot of boiling lava Scouter's Council meeting. I tell you even Gossip Girl is pale in comparison.

Skip Thursday and on to Friday. 'Thank you' la my one and a half men. Went to Sunway Pyramid after college with Jal and Ming. This was probably the first pure Two and a Half Men outing. We decided to catch Wanted, well they actually and I just got convinced to do it... (sorry to my other "boss" if you happen to be reading this).

But anyway the movie was cool. If you were to convert the flow of the movie into wave form, it would produce a reading similar to an ECG with the pulse rate of 400 heartbeats per minute, although you can say its partly due to our beloved government and their video editing programs. However in a nutshell, I would say the movie is sort of like a rojak of Spiderman and 300, combining a journey to self discovery and pure gore. Its definitely a movie that Mr. Yeoh would hate. Try telling him that you actually think bullets can be bent or that you can parry bullets with butcher knives. It definitely wont turn out Angelina Jolie.

But hey, in the end you know your RM8 is well spent when you see bullets being put through Angelina Jolie's and Morgan Freeman's skulls as well as catching a glimpse of the "iSniper", combining comfort,accuracy and distance all in one barrel. So definitely watch it if you're planning to while I await the unveiling of The Dark Knight.

When I was just planning to drop out of school and earn tons of money becoming a professional bullet bending assassin, I woke up the next day to 6 hours of straight replacement lecture classes. That's enough details. After that went to church for youth and celebration. It was wonderful to see Pastor Daniel getting all pumped up. I wonder how old is he actually sometimes.

Then I received an S.O.S from the FFK King himself about Yumcha 3. Ding and Me arrived in style to Ming Tien and had a great time meeting up with some of them, especially Wei Hoong and Chow Ping.

>>f>>a>st fo>rwa>>>rd>>>>>>

I passed my undang! 46/50. Next is 12 hours of bengkel (6 for car and another 6 for motorcycle). That's the Week 6 wrap up for you. I need to really get my ass off the chair and start getting some pop-up cards done. Oh yea I almost forgot, cheers to You!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Buses and Trains?

oihkay. If your orgasmic face is like that Jal and Cheeks, it really isn't very pretty. So do it in the dark oihkay?

Scratch that idiotic post I wrote earlier today at the College Web.

So, a week of college has passed and I've got the whole weekend to myself to bitch away.


It's not that I don't like going to College. It's just so robotic compared to my way of life for the past six months. It's even worst than going to work (back when I was in TGIF) At least I didn't have to figure out logarithms and surds in an hour at work. All I did was tend to irritating customers and then bitch about them later with my work-mates.

So yeah. Coll is in that void between miserable and not-so-bad.

On a lighter note, I caught Wanted with Jal and Cheeks today and it's superb. Angelina really knows how to play the cool-killer-bitch character.

And and! I'm impressed with the idea of bending bullets. I wonder, if it's really possible. It would be really nice to shoot my neighbour with a bending bullet, at least it'll go all around her and pierce her heart through the back, seeing as her boobs are really big and I might just get her mammary glands if I were to fire the normal way.

A little more on why I want to shoot her so badly another day.

Why particularly her heart tho? Well it's the only rotten part of her body that can't be donated to some other homo sapien. So I guess if I were to murder a bitch with a bending bullet, I might as well use the "usable" bits of her body to save others.

Hence shoot ze heart.

Ahh, It's driving me nuts la that fucking bitch neighbor.

Kill me.
And I'm so boring now laaa.
Even my posts are boring.
Boring voring zoring.

So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
Which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I want to do it again
-Bachelor Girl, Buses and Trains.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Dulan, spent so much time staring at the tilted CRT monitor in the internet lab until now when I look at my straight LCD monitor also feels like its out of orientation. Optical illusion.. dulan.

Finally the internet has given up its 2 day strike (for don't know what reasons) and now its hopefully functioning normally. Due to the inconvenient timing of the strike, I had to rush my public speaking assignment and coop myself in that dreaded internet lab.

This week marks the end of the road for procrastination. Assignment deadlines are looming just around the corner. Not that any of it was intentional.. its just.. ahh how do I say it.. nevermind you don't have to know.

Earlier this week I carried out a MACover. Pun intended, its exactly what it is, I modified my PC to make it resemble a Mac. However, it takes some time to get used to it. In the beginning it will be a bit messy as you are modifying this and that. Also, I believe the end product I have now does not offer the 100% same experience that a original Mac does, but I think its quite close enough if you give it some time. In the end, the coolness of it all will nullify all reasonable doubt. Enough talking, here is the link for you to try it out yourself.

Nothing much these days. Ming is in college and Jal is starting tomorrow. I don't if I should say expect more from us or less because as it seems, the grass at college doesn't look too green.

Oh well if its anything, we're going to have another Two and Half Men outing cum CK-needs-inspiration-for-a-pop-out-card outing.. lol. We're so going to drool over those lips of Angelina's and maybe even learn how to curve a bullet, or two, or even.. ; )

P. S. : I'm fine Ming, and Jal remember, Monday night.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If you've ever been to Heaven, this is twice as Nice.

College is just dandy.

I dunno why its so tiring tho. I come home everyday feeling as if I've had PJK for hours n' hours. And those who know me, you probably get the idea. PJK was just nothing short of *euck*s.
Its getting better luckily. My classmates are decent people, and to answer your question; Yes they are a number of international students who are O-level grads in my class.

Which makes most of them about fifteen or sixteen? And I have two koreans in my class. A girl and a boy. I have not made any friend-friends yet. So keep your drawers on the both of you.

Hmm what else should I mention?

Bio is easily by far my favour-est subject. I just love it. And my brain is definately rusty from six months of mental break. I couldn't even simplify square roots and whatnot shit at Math today.

Damn dumb.

Watev. I miss the two of you. Whats been up? Keep me updated here or I'm just a phone call away you ding-dongs.

And you fucking people, yes I did cut my hair and dyed it AGAIN. Fuck you if you keep asking I will.

To Lisa : spell it for me then miss-know-it-all ;)
To Khy Li : I'm holding you accoutable to my next cup of kopi peng for real.

Living legend, you can look but don't touch,
I'm cold as fire baby, hot as ice,
If you've ever been to heaven; this is,
Twice as nice ;)

-Britney Bitch, Hot as Ice