Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't turn off the lights, just yet ;)

Fridays and Saturdays are happydays.

Sundays are dreadful days.

Monday to Thursday are oh-my-god wtf am i doing days.

Weekend ; why do you have to leave me so? ;(

Anyways, moving swiftly along.
Drama drama!

Yesterday found me with an accident involving a junior scout and a tree. I was minding my own business (you-know-what-i-mean). when i spotted a girl lying on the ground beside a tree looking as if she decided to sunbathe in the middle of Troop Meeting.

Tho; why would anyone want to sunbathe under a tree with their clothes on, Is wayyy beyond me.

But of course I was just being stupid.

Turns out she fell off a tree and Jeremy/Wee Kiat were deciding what to do with her. So we called the ambulance and stuff (exciting eh? first time I dialled the emergency hotline!) and sir TL took charge of the whole situation.

Thank God, I wouldn't want to stick around to take charge. I'm not trained for that kinda pressure.

But she was fine, nothing broken and whatnot. Tho me and my mates were all wondering loudly at dinner if she'd end up paralyzed.

Which is not very funny lah.

Damn bad bad badddd la you Huey Ee ;P

I spyyy pretty girls!

Wahliao eh. Who are these hot chickkaaliddasss taking pictures with Yong Ming??
That bastard *tee hee*

You'll just have to stick around to find out.
In the meantime,
I hate hate hateeee Sundays.
Because Mondays are after Sundays.
Whyyyyyy ;(


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