Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Now on our right ladies and gentleman, we can see a new installation to the blog, a rather poor-effortly named widget! It is as the name implies, its where we are going to post up files of whatever we wish to dish out to all of you, powered by Windows Live SkyDrive. Currently only mine(CK) is up,though empty; Will get the other 1 and a half to set up theirs if they want to.

The fellas at Windows cooked up something pretty good. You can upload all your files and share 'em with everybody. Don't know about the bandwidth or speed though, haven't tried downloading any files myself. Oh if you're getting all psyched up already, a friendly reminder, do refrain from copyright infringement. I don't know how strict are they about it but it is mentioned so take care.

But anyway, seems like a pretty cool thing to mess around with. I smell podcasts and home-brew videos around the corner...

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