Monday, September 29, 2008


Colour Paper

Was fooling around with this while listening to Sam Sparro. Chun. Check his album out. Serious. Syiok geh.

Its time, you ****tard.

Seeing as CK lacks in advertising skills,
I shall see to it myself to promote the play.

If you haven't caught on to the awesome-ness that is
Red Trees, Green Roses.
Go shag a dog.
I mean seriously, go shagggg a dogg.
Otherwise you can contact either of us, and make plans to catch it yourself.
Bagus? Am I right or am I right?

. . .

I'm feeling pretty shitty today. Woke up really late and I've been feeling tired all day.
And then I watche House MD and it says somewhere that being excessively tired could be fatal.
OMFG majorly?
But as per usual, I think I'm just being paranoid.
Or am I not?
Am I right or am I right again?

Btw doods, I scratched Daniel; am thinking of another plot now.
Have too much plenty time it seems.
And and !
Ahem it seems I'll be charging someone special for transaction fees from singletom to datingtom. How much is approriate ah?
You know i know lah =)

-you schmucks.

It's Time

For more info, drop a message in the chatbox and we'll get back to you.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

If you look the other way


I quote :
Spotted, a beautiful blonde phoenix rising from the ashes
Of a major public humilliation.
Welcome back Queen Serena, consider us your humble servants;
Cause if looks could kill, I wouldn't want to be Dan Humphrey.

All hail QueenS. I got my bitch back.
I looove gossipgirl.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Awesome, isn't it?

No no I didn't do it. It's a video I found lying around the Web.


You did it yourself?

Bane of Ming's Life

You both know that I am such a giver so here goes another, specially for Ming.

I hope that stirs up the Physicist in you =D

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Leafve

Today, much to Alicia's urging, I watched S01E01 of House.
It was awessomeee.
I can't believe I was too lazy to look for the torrents before,
I totally missed out on this series altogether.

Curse my blasted ignorance.

No harm done tho, I will catch up soon enough.
If only I didn't have so much work to do in college.
But it doesn't matter, I have one week of holiday soon! Tee Hee.

The fuck right? hehe.
Ah... Sometimes life is so unfair ;)
xoxo and goodluck you SAMpeople.
psst : you two got hols anot?

Sunday, September 21, 2008


The best advice: There are many rules on what you must do to write a good book.
None of them is right.

The worst advice: Any advice that starts with, "You must . . . " For example: "You must write everyday. You must start with a complete outline. You must know your characters intimately before putting pen to paper. If I had to do each of these, I would never have written a word of fiction.

I tend to do everything backwards: I write the outline after I've written the book. I know my characters intimately after I've written the book. And I write everyday, not necessarily by actual writing, but by reading constantly and thinking about my ideas and coming up with new ones, even when I'm not actually writing. However you can get yourself to write is the best way to write.

Good advice eh? I stumbled upon this while I was google-ing.
I have decided to call him Daniel you guys ;D
Thats a start righhttt???
Hehe. xoxo

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

Ahh.. The hols. Can't come soon enough. Or too soon perhaps?

Looking back at how Ming spent his break, it does scare the kutu out of you, a little.

Yet, again, maybe it came at the right time after all. Like Ming, I have charted out my personal to-do list for the next 3 weeks. Top of the list, catching up with my driving, seeing that my L will expire in a little less than a month, I think. Next, a couple of personal this-and-thats which Sir Procrastinate will probably bring swift retribution upon, nonetheless we have to persevere.

None of the lot is anywhere near a bold, big scale adventure like the one Ming felt the calling for but I have already accepted the fact it's going to be a lazy, chilling 3 weeks ahead. Not hell-bent of doing anything purposeful (other than winning that Wacom tablet).

To start off the holidays with a bang, I feel like doing some giving, you know just to bag some good karma for the weeks ahead, and I thought what better gift is there to give other than a piece, which is the visual manifestation of one of my favourite past times,

Every Once In A While, I

Haih... I cannot tahan. I'm such a philanthropist.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The weather is sucha bitch

Astro and the parentals are such cows. Dad got really pissed off today because the Astro got cut off while he was catching the World News on CNN.

Which I guess I can relate, imagine if I was halfway thru Desperate Housewives and it got cut off-ed! Super diu-nia-ma-ness. If you know what I mean.
If I recall correctly, it has happened before! Right before Orson stuck a fork into Bree's apparently pregnant stomach and the electricity went bonkers all of a sudden.

I think I went to feed the fishes. (which is bad by my standards)

Anyway! I was rather relieved, as I was trying (with much anguish) to learn Funicci Funcilla which I beg to differ, is one hell of a complicated song (no help whatsoever that the TV was blaring away in the background previously) I've lost my touch on the organ after much procrastination it seems.

Other than that, I heard from Su Chien today that you could actually download books (Twilight, Harry Potter, anyfuck you name it!) off the internet via torrents.

I mean like, total OMFG-ness?
seriously, piracy is getting out of hand.
Not that I'm complaining but books and me are on a totally different level.
You don't download books! You buy them,
The smell of a freshly printed page and the smooth contour of the paper.
Download so fucks that up.
But for the rest who downloads books, don't take this personally.
Download away!

Which reminds me :
LISA have you gotten Breaking Dawn? I wanna borrow it xD


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Public Holiday~

Yes. The renovations at home are finally complete.
After a week (and much hardcore cleaning)
Most of the cracks are finally covered.
But the old geezer has painted every crack white.
So now my brother's room looks even worse.
I mean, his wall is beige! Who in the right mind will cover up with white???

This cheap old geezer is totally sheeezz-bang.

I can tell Mum is just bursting to scream at him.
I toldcha, hiring people because they're cheap was never ever a good idea.
Which is why I'm so expensive.
But for the sake of Mum I shall offer cleaning-up labour for free.
Im sucha a good kid.
And trust me, after all this; I deserve a certificate in cleaning up messes.
Sadly no weight has seem to come off with all this exercise.

When I saw this watch on the catalogs. I said to myself " This is my toy, captures the very essence I need" Fingers cross I'll get a very nice Christmas Present ;D

Just look at it. Isn't awesome?
Am I right, or am I right ???
Girlfriends, we have to go hunting for this.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The fixing-ups at my place have reached private quarters.
The old geezer is now prancing about in the upstairs rooms filling up the holes.

I know you were thinking that. And you needed that.

Everyday he leaves behind a huge mess that I have to help clean up.
Jeeeeezzzzzzz the fishes, It's enough to make you want to go back to college.
I won't have to deal with this after today.
Tommorrow (hopefully) I'll be out and about, won't be home to deal with all this shit.
And college starts the day after that.
I love squirming out of cleaning the crib.
In the meantime, let me get back to my cleaning shindig.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Questions Answered at 2,1/2 men.

Im backk ! With another blog post, you sluts.

Holidays are coming to an end, I go back to college on Thursday ;(
Snap the cheesecakes.

I haven't finished so many "planned-must-do-s".
Bio notes not finished, Math studies far from finished
and definately have not done any Chemistry.
As for Physics? I blissfully forgot that fucking subject even exists.
In any case, lets address the bigger matters first, else the moon will end its cycle.

to answer a question from my lovelies.

"Why do girls need so many clothes? Well the normal ones, at least"

Lets straighthen one flaw first. ALL girls need so many clothes, some just put other things on priority but still secretly wish they had more clothes. As for the rest they are , the sluts who spend shamelessly and the more responsible ones who buy "what-they-need".

Tch. As if. You dong-dongs know I know you always buy what you want.

Back to the question. Simple. Clothes make you feel good about yourself. The feeling of peeling off the label and that new carrier-bag housing your purchase. The awesome sensation that is putting on a brand-new dress you spend money on. The lovely feel of new fabric on your skin and the way it makes you look and even better if the shoes you choose somehow miraculously makes the dress all the fucking better.

It's enough to make anyone have an orgasm. (including you, pervy reader)

I might raise a few arguments on my next comment. But I swear it's so true. Those of you who disagree are in fucking denial. Girls loveee it when they put on something new and people tell them they look awesome. S'pecially good-looking counterparts- men. They love it, when it's all about them. It might sound self-conceited, but why bother dressing up and splurging if it's not gonna be all about you?

Oh my G-o-D. Monuments should be raised in my understanding.

So theres your answer. For the denser male, think buying your favourite gadget or car and using it for the first time. The feeling is mutual to that of new clothes.

Don't be quick to judge tho. Acting that way isn't materialistic. I'll tell you what materialistic is when I've got time to blog.

Just thought it was good to give pointers to my fellow males out there.
Good question that one.

Till then.
(what is this fox fox? Its fuckthekissandhug. likeit??)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Good Month! (xcept the fboring hols)

Oo answers in such short periods of time. Fexcellent.
In case you're wondering.
I came upon that text thru my reading of some oldthings.
And yes, I didn't write it out of nowhere because I was emo.
Gotcha Sarah~

But you guys gave very good answers.
Vague, but good answers. Don't be dodgy around me!
I shall indulge the answer I myself written in the book some other time.

Anyhoo September is a a good month for me.

First there is :

The much much anticipated return of the sexah pussycatdolls. 4 more days till their album hit stores worldwide. Save up, save up bitches.Their 2nd single Whatcha Think About That is sooo hott (psssst : it features Missy Misdemeanour Elliot bitcha!)

And then, there is :

The coveted return of The Inheritance Book Three! this is the third book of the more commonly-known Eragon series. It's being released end of this month! Fabuloussssss. But I read reviews saying the author has extended to a fourth book. Bitchy lah. Christopher's books always have to wait super-long wan weih. Not funny.

Of ccccourrrse there is :

Nuff' said right. Season 2 is so fucking good I can bleed. Fans you hear me?? Scream GossipGirl whereever you are bitches. WohooO! (psst : If you haven't watched it, wait till you hear about Blair's new man-scandal)

Oh yeah. Smells like a good month.

I just added like 2 things to my Christmas list haven't I?

Muacks then. I'm back, I know you missed me.

No for gold

'to quest against misunderstanding or remain silent?'

Is this your nagging question?

If it is, it depends. It depends on what the aforementioned misunderstanding might be. If it's one that hurts you dearly and personally, then by all means 'quest against (it)'.

But I am unfortunately not one to say. It is well known that 'bottling things up' is bad, but I often do just that- as you so eloquently put it 'habitual to remain silent'.

I often feel that I have contrasting opinions or sometimes people just don't understand what I'm trying to say. And it's extremely frustrating. But instead of expressing myself- 'quest(ing) against misunderstanding', I just stay quiet, let it slide.

So, it is definitely easier said then done, to fight to be understood, but I definitely support the idea that you should fight that fight.

I don't believe however, that there is 'no one to tell, amidst all this misunderstanding'. Surely there is someone. And in your case my friend, I know two other people who are exactly those who you can tell and will understand.

If we don't; force us to.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Misunderstanding is a double edged sword. It hurts both parties or potentially even more, so to leave it alone would not be advised.

At the same time, misunderstanding resembles cancer, in which it is easier to be solved in its early stages rather than later. Being like cancer, a complicated disease, the degree of the confrontation suitable also needs to be taken into account, gives it it's complication.

In spite, at any rate, no matter the circumstance, against.


I have been misunderstood many times in my life, that it has become habitual to remain silent; hoping and knowing that all such things shall pass and cease to exist.

Yet, perhaps it is this failure to give recognition to things happening, so as we speak, that is the cause of the strife in the first place.
Alas!! This is the failure of knowing all such things will pass.

And I ask of you, which would be the most staking of the three?
To be misunderstood by a true companion?
To be misunderstood by whom you care for above all things?
Or to be misunderstood by peers whom you hold both love and high regards for?
Which of the three? Or is it all?

Indeed it is all, but even worst.
If there is no one to tell and understand, amidst all this misunderstanding.

Value companionship above all treasures in life,
for it is the only thing that follows you till death.
Or in actuality, you leave and enter alone.

So to quest against misunderstanding? Or to remain silent?
Is the question I ask of both of you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Days at home

Today I have established, that Mom and her fucking vacumm cleaner suffers from Excessive Compulsive Disorder.
Heres the 411 on whats going on.

Mum and Dad hired some old geezer (i mean seriously, ANCIENT geezer) to fix up the cracks occuring everywhere at my place. Don't get me wrong, I do not discriminate against the aged and *wise*(this is not an old-people-bashing session). But it seems kind of wrong and painful to be watching an old-ahem-ancient man climb up a ladder to fix the cracks in the walls.

I mean c'mon. Hes old! What if he falls down?
Responsible moi voiced this out to my brilliant parents,
Only to be bashed by retorts "what you know lah"
In canton, mind you.

Argh! So i minded my own buisness and went back upstairs to finish up some math holiday work. Twas' then I heard the terrfying noise that is Mom's ancient (another one of her old old favourites) vacumm cleaner. Might I remind you how much I HATE hate HATE it when Mom cleans?

And oh boy, did old geezer leave behind alot of mess to clean.

She gets all irritable and starts screaming at random things to get out of the way.
Tut. As if the sofa will be annoyed enough to step aside.
So the role to force Mr.Sofa to step aside of course, falls on me.
Innocent little me, on the way to the kitchen to grab a snack.

Then I get irritated too,
Because she won't rest until she gets every tiny speck out of her vision.
And she won't leave me in PEACE, until I help her get the specks too.
Imagine all this going through your head with the noise of the ancient cleaner.
Blaring tis' lungs out so loud the whole street can hear.
AND without your favourite snack.


Smack me. My only redemption is GossipGirl Season2: Episode 2
Ahh. I love you Blair, you shut out even mad mums.

"Welcome Home Upper East-Siders,
I Know you missed me, "
-xoxo gossip girl.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I so wanna watch this!

Oh my goodness. I was just idling on imdb and i spotted this!
I watched the first one, and read the books.
OOooohh it's gonna be awesome.

And they're so hot!
Ahh. But i think it's not coming to Malaysia.
Why every fecking chiq flick I wanna watch doesn't fecking come here!
For teasers click here.

Ahh, Blake Lively and America Ferrera! Me likey.
And the characters playing Tibby and Lena are so much better looking now!
You go stylists!

"Why can't you just stop thinking about it and follow your heart?"
"Because... he broke my heart. "
-Lena Kaligaris, SofTravellingPants2

Aww. So sweet. must must watch.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Counting pebbles by the sea.

I'm on holiday now for a week or so,
and putting on weight as I type.
I love holidays and all, but this one is turning out to be quite dull.
Maybe I should up and visit someone far away.
How about Seck Houng up north.
Or Florence, not-so-up-north.
Or Kye Ling, way down south.

Have finished re-reading the Black Magician's Trilogy.
I cannot believe I teared in the end.
Why does it always get to me, this Akkarin's death.

I'll be aarround.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Pretty Damn Angry.
At your
Public Displays of Affection.

"You know what they say,
A Man is a good thing to come home for,
But an even better thing to come home with"
Can't help it. so sorry.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Now on our right ladies and gentleman, we can see a new installation to the blog, a rather poor-effortly named widget! It is as the name implies, its where we are going to post up files of whatever we wish to dish out to all of you, powered by Windows Live SkyDrive. Currently only mine(CK) is up,though empty; Will get the other 1 and a half to set up theirs if they want to.

The fellas at Windows cooked up something pretty good. You can upload all your files and share 'em with everybody. Don't know about the bandwidth or speed though, haven't tried downloading any files myself. Oh if you're getting all psyched up already, a friendly reminder, do refrain from copyright infringement. I don't know how strict are they about it but it is mentioned so take care.

But anyway, seems like a pretty cool thing to mess around with. I smell podcasts and home-brew videos around the corner...


Gossip girl is fawesome beyond belief.
I'm just so happy it's back. I've been deprived, my goodness.
ALSO! Its back with better clothes,
better haircuts, and a scandalous plot like fuck man.


Just for fillers on the going ons.
College is okay so far. Stress starting to pour in like rain.
(Lousy idiom i know, but don't judge me!)
Physics is getting worst as we speak and I've got a LAN test tmr.
Fingers crossed and toes alligned for me please and thank you.

Everything else is rainbow-high. So no need to venture there.
I hope to catch up wtih you guys this weekend.
My break for 2 weeks begins then!
Hurrah to the fullah.
Till then,
*you know you love me ;D

"ain't karma a bitch?
we know Blair Waldorf is ;)"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


OMG LIKE STOP TALKING TO ME/ READING the BLOG or even do anything.

I've MISShheeddd YOU BITCH.

i mean seriously, no kidding.
stop sinning and go fucking download already!
*squeals and screams*

Monday, September 1, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Month Baru!

"Underneath this mask is more than just flesh;
Underneath this mask, is an idea;
And ideas,
are bulletproof."
- V