When I went to work today, I was seriously not anticipating it to be the worst working day of my life.
Was at work by 12pm and met up with Sumitha (my colleague), so we had a pretty good afternoon. Spent it on chatting about the upcoming Valentines Day plans. So by three O'clock I was still pretty hyped and happy.
After three O'clock, things became a bit sour. For starters, Sumitha went for break, so I was working alone without anyone to talk to except our jockey (Dean). AND our lovely office people decided to hang up their phones so that they couldn't get any calls. And guess who had to listen to all the raging, screaming and angry callers who couldn't get the office people on the phone?
Thats right, I had to.
You bet I was pretty damned pissed. Its not exactly my fault that all their extension lines are engaged is it? I'm not mad at the office people entirely, they might have good reasons for keeping their lines engaged. But why are the callers so inconsiderate? Its not like I haven't explained the situation to them. They know very well that I'm just a lousy host who happens to get the dirty job of answering phone calls for the office people (besides having to perform my restaurant duties)
How the fishcakes am I supposed to know why the accountants upstairs are not answering their phones? AND does all that screaming do any good at all? Talk about horrid telephone manners.
Maybe thats why the people upstairs are keeping their lines engaged.
But that was just the beggining of it.
By six O'clock, Mr. James comes into work telling me that Sukhvin (my other colleague), can't make it to work because she is sick. So that'll mean I will have to run solo for the night.
FINE, no worries it'll be quiet anyways. Its just a Wednesday night. Who in the right mind will come to eat?
It took me by surprise that by 7 AM the whole bloody freaking, messed-up, hot, stuffy, smoke-infested, crowded, noisy, and bitchy restaurant was getting slammed. The "enemies" *quote Cheeks* came storming into the restaurant as if TGI Fridays decided to be generous and give everyone free food.
I mean, its not my first time getting slammed at the restaurant like that. But this is definately the FIRST time I had to run solo while getting slammed.
So you could probably pretty much picture how eff-ed up my night was. Running up and down the stairs in a pair of leather shoes (with a slight heel) and sending those "enemies" to their tables like nobody's buisness. Didn't help that we had a lot of bitchy customers tonight as well. Some of them will just look past you like you're invisible, as you greet them and ask politely to wait while you seat them.
You'd think with the amount of people getting As in SPM that the Malaysian society is getting slightly more educated. But I was clearly mistaken. Some customers will walk in macam dia punye bapak punye restoran and plop their rude asses on any tables they like. Worst still, they'll occupy a table meant for six when theres only three of them.
So how the fuck do they expect me to sit the other group of six that comes in right after them? They sit on a table meant for four and the extras can stand and take turns to sit down and dine is it? Pundek betul larh.
Sigh, thats how social-concious Malaysians are. I simply love the way they always think about others. Just because they pay, they think they're allowed to be assholes for an hour because their mothers aren't there to tell them off. Childish bitches.
But much thanks to my lovely General Manager Mr. James, my SPG Manager Delilah, and my Floor Supervisor Quentin who helped tempt for the missing host tonight. I was truly touched that my managers were willing to get down and dirty to work with me. Plus, they were very patient and understanding of my situation. God bless them three.
I am now more determined to help make Valentines Day at TGI Fridays a bomb because my bosses are so fantastic.
Enough ramblings for the night, my brain is telling me to go to sleep and stop whining here.
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