Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh sunny day, where have you gone?

Isn't it so like the generic male to comment about the weather? Well the current situation of the weather is definitely significant enough to comment on. It has been raining non-stop for I don't know how long now. Today, yesterday, day before yesterday, day day before yesterday, you get the program. I'm particularly annoyed by this occurrence because I rempit(w/ helmet) to college and work everyday and its no-kidding-ly dangerous, which my little mishap last week help me realize. It is so troublesome to be a motorcyclist when it rains. Without the obvious protection that our 4-wheeled counterpart has, we have to wear special suits to protect ourselves from the rain and the feeling you get is very irritating. But enough of that rant, since things obviously ain't going to be changing anytime soon.

Zooming out, this month has been really, twreally, threally eventful, enough to make you wish you had extra fingers and toes to count them. Today was no different. I had been looking forward to this day for more than a month already. Today is the day they announce the winners of the Wacom Concept Art contest, which I took the liberty to participate. I have to be honest, something inside of me made me feel really confident about winning, which today I found out I didn't. However I am not bitter but instead humbled by the winners and their entries. Nonetheless I am still disappointed. I really wanted to win the tablet. Every time I think of owning one, it would give me an injection of ambition and inspiration. Oh well, I'll have to find another way to get one I guess =|.

Other than these, I guess everything else has been on the upside which is two thumbs up. Doods, I hope I'll get to participate in Fridays as I try to sort out my schedule. Do keep it alive. Oh well, I better not overdo my unexpected use of my sister's laptop. So long, for now.

P.S: For some new dose of indie music, check out MGMT - Kids, Jupiter One - Platform Moon, Kasabian - Fast Fuse and the band Black Kids (their whole album is awesome)

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