Sunday, August 3, 2008



*exhales* Still recovering from the awesomeness of dé The Dark Knight. No exaggeration of mine can do justice to how great the movie was. I love this movie so much not because its a Batman thing or Heath Ledger's stunning portrayal of The Joker, but its because of its impressive storyline that explores the true evil of man's heart. Much of the movie resembles the novel The Lord of The Flies in some way, but Christopher Nolan's version transcends the novel as it deals directly with the civilization itself rather than shifting the setting to a microcosm in the form of an island which allows a more accurate simulation of the darker side of man.

A considerable amount of credit should indeed however be due for The Joker. In my own words, I would describe him as a 'macroeconomic' villain (sorry for the economics input). The Joker created a whole new level for villains, many of which we have been accustomed to over the years who are getting stale and predictable. Money, power, women, vengeance are some of the more 'earthly' driving factors for the villains, the microeconomics. On the other hand, The Joker draws no delight from these little branches of evil but he goes straight to the roots, evil itself. An accurate comparison for The Joker would be the Devil. The ability to manipulate fear and temptation is one of the many weapons in The Joker's psychological arsenal.

But above all that, the thing that made me clapped in the middle of the movie inside a packed cinema was the fact that good triumphed. If you are wondering which scene is it, it is the one where the prisoner and the old man tossed the detonator into the sea. That was probably the best scene in the whole movie. That scene set the record straight that in the midst of darkness there is indeed light. Fuuuuhhhh.. a hand to pure genius.

I think that The Dark Knight should not be viewed as a superhero movie at all if possible, but because IT IS a superhero movie gives the platform for The Joker to become larger than life which in turn allows the movie to tackle the issue of good and evil more effectively than any other movie had ever done. Indeed the best movie of 2008 thus far.

Anyway thats enough fanfare to last me another week. Going to catch Contrast by Bradley, Eric and Fei Xiang tomorrow at KLPaC with Jala and the Mamas and maybe some poppers on Bugsy. For the first time, I think Week 11 is going to be a great week. It will be, I hope. See you all soon!

"Let's put a smile on that face.."

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