Thursday, August 28, 2008

Movie Alert!!

ooh. ber-congratasi to the SMK Taman SEA drama team.
I bet the both of you are really proud eh ? ;)

I love it when it rains.
Sets me in such a good mood.
You know how it creates such an ambience.
Not the bad kind of ambi.
But the kind of ambi that makes you think,
The kind that makes you wonder about life,
And reflect on the past.
The kind that makes you feel so small,
And wonderful at the same time.
In short, God's creation is so wonderful when it rains.

Yes, I commited sin 001 again.
I watched a romantic Jap-Movie. *gasps*
It's all Siew Chen's fault.
This one is kinda nice.
Tho it is beyond me, why the lead has to have striking blonde hair.
Potong 'tul.
Oh well, The Japs. Leave them alone I say.

Think A Walk To Remember the Asian version.

A good cry this one. Just thought I'd spread the love ;D xoxo.

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