Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2.5 divided by 3

Tomorrow (techinically today, 20th February 2008) marks the final day of Yong Ming's career as a T.G.I Friday's frontline officer. I hate to admit it, but I have to because I seriously am going to miss the guy. Friday's was the glue that held our relationship as friends together as we get to see each other almost everyday, sharing the same joy and pain. But now he has to leave to pursue his own path and its really a sad reality for me especially. Not only I'll miss him, but I'll lose a pillar that I could lean on at work(not literally, lol).

Well its just the fact that after he leaves, it also means that now all the three of the Two and a Half Men are pursuing their individual paths. Once we said that this blog seemed only belonged to both of us was solely because of the reason that Jit Yang wasn't able to blog often due to NS. However, I know after tomorrow, this blog will also see some major changes as well.

But putting the sad things aside, I just wanna say thank you to Ming who had decided to find work together with me, which is really a boost. It's almost as rare as a miracle to have a close friend working in the same place as you so I'm really really grateful. You probably don't know what you mean to me(not in that way ok XD) but I just wanna let you know I really appreciate your companionship throughout this 2 months.

Well I hope the things I typed out above was able to flatter Ming enough haha. In case you're wondering, all that I said is above is 101.00% true, honest.

To those who syioked sendiri by trying to count what is 2.5 divided by 3, the answer is 0.833333~~~. Haha well, this was not just some fancy title I thought of, but the true meaning behind it is that now that the two and half men are separated and following their own paths, the future holds infinite possibilities and that just means we won't know what will happen or what to expect but I pray by God's grace that we will end up not being screwed up to say the least haha. So to my other 1 and a half men, I wish you all the best and hope that you will stay true to the blog! ( We might just have some loyal fans who wish to hear from us once in a while XD).

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