Thursday, July 2, 2009

just had to say this


haha. sorry ;D

omg college this week has been so tiring. especially Maths. i had double periods back to back on wednesday, and she was teaching IMAGINARY NUMBERS.

sigh. Jit. i wish you were in class. the jibes you could have pulled about IMAGINARY NUMBERS with mrs. sukhdev. i can almost imagine. *ROLF*

and CK. why you soo moody nowadays. goodness. relax lah. ur classes until 5 everyday issit? why so pukimak wan.

thats all for updates.


Anonymous said...

i search two and the half men tv show then i reached here.but i am not able to find it. It is the story of every collage.lecture is always tiring

Ming Yong said...

hear hear! sorry that our blod wasn't what you're looking for ;D