Saturday, December 6, 2008

2008. you're leaving already?

One semester down, just two more to go.

I cannot believe all that complaining and bitching about Taylors has amounted to half a year already. it's hardly belieavable. even more apalling is the likes of Estee and Sam have already graduated. tsk tsk. how my children are growing up ;P

on a lighter note, i saw twilight yesterday. It was good, so unlike the reviews- people are so pessimistic just because they've read the books. i've read the books too, and i don't find the movie dissapointing! so suck it you bitches.

in replacement of being a bad movie, twilight is actually alot like emotional porn. it makes you feel so good, i will deem it the cake of all emotional orgasm. period.

and i cannot believe the females in the cinema actually squealed when Edward Cullen first appeared in the movie. i've read that happening in some reviews, but for it to actually happen?? freako-ish man. i don't really understand the edward hype. except maybe the part where he was playing that song for Bella on the grand piano. sacre bleu' much?? Director's really shouldn't film scenes like that, not at least without a pre-warning that faint hearted helpless romantics should beware. people could actually die from the romance of it.

as for everything else in life. beautifoool i say. i've finally seen and catched up with my babies, and thats all that matters ;)



arobotnamedlisa said...

why doesn't your group picture have more guys in it!

i thought taylor's was known for its hotties . how disappointing.

hmph. *hampa

arobotnamedlisa said...

also, i have noticed an influx of sexual connotations in your posts these days.

its so true that boys think about sex a lot . O:<

Ming Yong said...

lisahh. bising. hot guys are anywhere except pre-med classes. kinda makes you wonder how moi ended up there (being so hensem and all)
but not daring to dissapoint, taylors memang aderrr, lain kali i take stalker pics for you on my cellphone k? just like old times. except this time, my phone can off the "click" sound! tee heee!~