Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yay bama

can anyone like, go anywhere, without freaking hearing about Obama today?

srsly. i'm glad he won and all, but isn't it kinda obvious he was going to win anyway? people have even started pre-party-ing Obama would win the elections, way before the actual election even started!! (Americans that is, Msians party nuts arh, sibuk)

andd judging by the enthusiasm in which CNN reports, Sarah's *inserts cough here* "good" speeches, Obama so obvyD had it in the bag. so! the better question stands now. do you think he'll make a good president? i mean, technically; being mr.P of the United States of America is being MrBIG-P of the world-what with the secret agents, and their uncanny ability to destabilize and monopolize world economics.

ooo the secret services.. wouldn't mind getting into some trouble with them. i bet candidates have to have sexy written all over their resumes. have you seen how smexy they look on TV?

i better shut up now before i digress any further. jals is going to kill me for turning this hot sensitive topic into something materialistic and gossipy. apologies mate!

see you both after my exams ;(
im officially grounding myself as of today.

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