Thursday, November 27, 2008


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! im feeling very Britney Spears at the mo!!!!!!!!! This is to diee!!!!

Ms. Annie took my cellphone away from me!!! It was all so melodramatic, like some chinese soap opera played in black and white starring me and the Biology teacher. Summarizing, I was actually in the middle of texting Tiff from across the class to tell Irene to zip her pants because she forgot and was making a total fool out of herself standing in front of the class giving answers. I mean, hello??? I was being totally nice right? If she was a guy I would have told her myself, but she evidently isn't. You can't expect moi to tell her, how tres' perv will that sound? And I can't just NOT say anything can I? she was standing right in front of EVERYONE.
(i was so omg at this point)

Ekk. I cannot believe she stole my precious away from me because i was texting to save someone from a major humi-M!!! this is so Encik Allen and she doesn't even know it. and I can't exactly defend myself! WHAT was I gonna say? "Oh sorry, Miss, I had to text Tiffy to tell Irene to zip her pants??" zomg. imagine. doesn't it sound all wrong already?

so, in case any of you thought I've gone and taken a very dramatic, glamorous disappearance bout. I am not. Call me at home if you need anything (which i know you will)

it worsens, Iven also conviniently told me to lose weight whilst i was wiping the whiteboard today. so much for thinking i've slimmed down yesterday.

i swear, i'm never doing anything nice ever. life is more glam that way. do you now understand why i feel so Britney???? (fat and miserable) You FEEEL me????

PS : I also spotted a homeless man jerking off in public. O.M.G. i'm saving this story for another day. wait for it.

1 comment:

arobotnamedlisa said...

are you fecking serious? are you sure it wasn't just a case of typical ball-scratching (that every man seems to do when they think nobody's looking)?

eeee. and for the love of god, you are not fat. fat is when you are just a tummy with two legs. which you aren't.

you'd better not go all bulimic on us, or i will flush you down the toilet along with all your stomach contents.

on another note, hello! lama tak jumpa. can't make it to game night, sorry. :(