Friday, November 21, 2008

Poppin' 'em Pills

Gaining wisdom is a, effing ham7 painful process, if you know what I'm talking about. Of course you don't.

I'm talking about the wisdom tooth homie. The tooth that supposedly comes out only when one has come of age and achieved a level of maturity (I seem to be disproving this myth though, much to Ming's demise). But at what price? Excruciating pain for a useless mandibular third molar? Hell I didn't even want them in the first place!

But my rants are in vain. Who can ever fully understand the biological conundrum that is the human body except for the Maker?

I don't mind if it just quietly emerge from within my gums and minding its own business but no, it had to make itself known by throwing a big party through an inflammation that kept me up all night. The best part is that it isn't even visible yet! Good la good. You wouldn't wanna know what methods I resolved to suppress the pain, which were all in vain. To help you understand the nature of the pain better, it's as if you were giving birth. I think that is fairly accurate.

However I have consulted the doc' and he worked his magic, which is how I came to meet my new friend, Mr. Painkiller. I don't think anybody in this world appreciates the miracle that is the painkiller except for me and House. Just pop one in and it's Hakuna Matata. No more almost exploding gum sensation, no more hanging plastic bags on your face and it re-enables your ability to enjoy swallowing again. This phenomenon brings the phrase "One-Stop Solution" to a whole new level.

I guess this is the miracle of which they call modern medicine. Go Ming go!

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