Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ping Guo

I like to make bad decisions. Wait, let me rephrase that, since nobody likes to make bad decision and I am a nobody. I TEND to always make bad decisions.

However, this particular decision that I made which I am blogging about now happened in a flash, like grabbing-your-car-keys-on-your-way-out-of-the-house flash.

Long story short, my decision to grab this "key" of mine turned into a bad one when my lecturer muttered these words,

"The product you chose, you cannot change. If you want to change, you can change your lecturer"

I took that very lightly, I even joked about it. But how I regret it now. The optimist in me says, "Aye, take it as a challenge mate!" while the pessimist says "Way to go!"

"The problem about Apple products is that their packagings are almost perfect already one"

Thank you for the vote of confidence Mr. William!


arobotnamedlisa said...

whoa! apple?

i wanted to choose them for my first design project (a portable shop), but chose converse in the end.

it'd be interesting to see what you come up with. sure cool gile. good luck mate. :D

CK said...

Lol, you'll be disappointed. It's just a cube with a hanger lol. But the inside of the cube is pretty cool I guess. Will post picture when finished.