Friday, April 10, 2009

drama #2

Happy Easter everyone!

this celebration is like the milestone to have far we have come. I still remember, this time of the year marked the CF in school having the grand celebration in the school hall. how time flies.

anyway. so on the drama again:

i have finally managed to outdo myself. two days ago, with the urge to be a responsible child, i decided to wash my super smelly toilet (because it was so smelly)

the whole task took little over 15 minutes, but the drama? it cost me half a day.
you see, whilst I was trying to clean the toilet floor with my sturdy toilet broom-brush-thinggie-majjingie, i hit one of the pipes beside my toilet so hard, the whole thing burst.

like, literally. BURST. ok? huey-ee if you're reading this, i'm not just saying burst for the sake of it.

so yeah, i tried to plug the hole so the water would stop spurting out, to no avail. called kazillions of people for advice, among them, flo; WHOSE DAD IS A PLUMBER MIND YOU. absolutely no help, this woman. just laughed her head off.

you people think this is some american comedy is it?

so yeah.

i hunted around for the main tap, and switched all the waters at home off, but it was still leaking.


parents fixed it later.

so the drama man. so the drama.

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