Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Seeing things

Is it me or is google up to no good again? Just now when I went to the google search engine, it was blank except for the google logo, the query bar and the 2 buttons. After I move my mouse over the page, all the other stuff then appears. Is this happening to you?

Anyways, I've been busy, like real busy, like really really busy. However, I'm not as busy as compared to some of my classmates, because apparently when busy-ness get's to you, this happens.

Black Eyed Freeze - We got a Feeling

CD0905-2 - Popping to Buttons

1 comment:

arobotnamedlisa said...

i haven't come across that so far.

check this out: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/30/google-makes-fading-homepage-a-little-less-confusing-for-unaware-searchers/

it's an article on the blank google thing. :O