Wednesday, May 6, 2009

put your records on

ooo. giler neglect this blog these days. i've been buys guys. ampun banyak.

AHHH. i would very much like to scream my lungs out in response to the tension that is AS finals (next week, for those who i haven't already screamed at), but i dunno. i kinda forgot how to scream.

haha. a likely story.

don't worry. i'm not going nuts or anything. just revising past years mostly, classes are really boring. revising past years after past years with the teachers, which, frankly speaking, is next to pointless. i don't think you can be any more ready than you already are. at this point of time, that is.

studies aside, well. zero there. life is pretty dry i would say, like the vaggie of an extremely aged woman who last had sex some aeons ago.

haha. that analogy was for you jit.


how boring i've become.

i'm hoping things would pick up after the exam pressure has lifted (in about four weeks time), but I highly doubt so. exprience has taught me that everything doesn't just fall into place because you put your life on hold, and expect it to resume as normal when you've unpaused.


i feel like i'm putting life on hold. havent really been living lately.

do we all feel the same, if not now, sometimes?


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