Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Devil's Advocate #3

There is an old adage floating around: Don't label me.

Many are afraid of being labelled some have gone so far as to get themselves into arguments, spats and even fist fights about being labelled.

"Don't label me! Why must you label?"


DA #3: Being labelled.

I argue that is good and at times, even necessary to label - things, people, emotions, thoughts (everything).

When our brains got to a decent enough size to start forming and recognizing vocal patterns, thus giving birth to language (, we haven't stopped labeling things.

When we could, we gave names to things like fire, tree, sky, rain, water, food, safe, danger.

The labeling of these things have helped us as a species survive. We have taught our children using words. Warning them that it is not safe to 'eat' the 'woolly mammoth' without 'mother' or 'father'.

This is how we make sense of the world.

We label the things around us to make it familiar to us. We label to understand the world.

This is why we find it necessary to label people. We want to understand them in relation to ourselves. If I label someone friend - I can have a nice chat with her. If I label someone enemy - I won't even lend the son of a bitch a teaspoon of sugar no matter how much he needed to get that sponge cake made in time for his aunt's funeral.

We label people with the same reason we label everything else - to find order in an otherwise chaotic field of relationships.

Many find labeling means succumbing to a standard or being tied down to a maxim. As if the label defined them.

So what if it does?

What's wrong being called a boy when you indeed have a penis and your chromosomes are XY?

What's wrong being called an asshole when you indeed treat others around you like shit?

What's wrong being called an atheist when you indeed do not believe in a certain deity?


Some label to belittle. I grant that. Some use derogatory terms and the world has heard many.

Faggot. Nigger. Heathen. Slut.

But if you know where you stand, surely you can rebut. Surely you can tell the antagonizer to shove off because this is who you are or argue that their narrow minded view of the world is flawed.


Don't blame others for labeling you. They do, I do, because we need to make sense of you.

As for derogatory terms? Fight back! Don't cower in a corner and plea: Don't label me.

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