Dud or Genius?
my take?
Lady Gaga's newest controversy dropped last night.
Alejandro is as disturbing and mind stimulating as it promised. To be honest, i don't have much to make of it except it's her worldwide statement on her support of gay love. i have a personal opinion that such an issue has been overdone, overrated, and is becoming increasingly passe. (how do you add that dot on top of words?) Gaga definately failed to top herself. (ie. the amazingness that was the Telephone music video)
so speaking as a true lady gaga fan, i am dissapointed. not much to talk about this one. credit to her for the amazing glasses tho. very fashion. tho it was probably a work of some other genius fashion designer... so rather, props to the designer!
the Glee episode on the other hand was inspiring. i loved To Sir with Love. summed my feelings about Glee so well it made me tear. and it takes a lot to shed tears for me these days. good episode!
exams will be over in two weeks. i promise to be the fun-self again post exams.