Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I just had zei' most horrendous epiphany in the history of horrendous epiphanies!!!

Breaking Dawn was the last book of the Twilight SAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHITCAKES MUTHA(inserts the word you all know so well here)

I have been totally blind to the fact that Midnight Sun is just Twilight retold from Edward's point of view. I read from Stephanie Meyer's page that she'd be launching another book named (very appropriately) Midnight Sun, which kind off fits with the titles of the rest of her volumes. can you blame me for having some form of hope???

so i kinda assumed (AND misleading information from die-hard classmates who will never willingly let the saga end added to it) that another book shall be written to continue the story.

but evidently, it's so not happening.

I am tres' upset right now. and if you don't understand my sudden groupies obessesion, please link elsewhere cunt-faces.

also check this :
(taken from the official Meyer webbie)

As some of you may have heard, my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally posted on the Internet and has since been virally distributed without my knowledge or permission or the knowledge or permission of my publisher.

(OMG, like who wouldn't I sleep with to get my hands on that but i shall not digress)

So where does this leave Midnight Sun? My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely.

fuckers. it's all your horrid non-self respecting online distributors out there that has destroyed the lovely story that is Twilight okay. if she didn't feel so discouraged, she might consider writing another book!!!!!!

fuck lah. someone hire her a therapist please, you'd be doing us all a favour. now she won't even rewrite Twilight from another POV. Fat chance she'll write any book. Veli Good.

-for the full story. click here

Are you outraged or are you outraged you tell me.....

1 comment:

arobotnamedlisa said...

i think its good that she stopped the twilight series. its sad, yes, but i think four books is just nice. the way the ending concluded, it was so final. there's a risk of writing another book that might not turn out as good as the rest and thus for spoil the series.

maybe she'll start another series.

i know how you feel though ; i haven't watched gossip girl except the first dvd sebab taknak the season habis. sad, i know. :p