As we come to the final close of 2008, it seems only proper that one such as moi took the time to reflect and regroup. And so should the both of you. I expect similar posts in time.
Do not summarize your year tho, just highlight the lessons learnt from it. It's impossible to paraphrase this year anyway; it has been a tres' eventful one.
so for my bit...
1. Dealing with loneliness. tragically, this year has been a lot of just this. From dealing with working at TGIF, driving school, the absence of Taman SEA, my new college and my missing support of friends; this virtue has been taught well.
loneliness I realized, is just a state of mind. Those who fear it, fear death itself. For when we leave; we leave alone - the same way we came in.
2. Freedom. jal would agree with me on this one. driving licence and cars. need I say more? I love this new development in 2008; everything fun I did would be impossible without this. Agreed? ;)
3. Self-esteem. Yep. Learnt to do things my way and stop being pushed around. I do what I want and not because everybody is doing it. Sarah would understand. i've become a proactive protagonist and have reached the point of dealing with problems. that last bit was for Jal (i apply that which i learn my friend!)
4. The importance of my friends. cliche as it sounds, i find when applied to life, this is extremely true. you just need to be able to highlight the importance. thank you for shouldering my burdens this year.
5. Minusing the delusional factor. i've stopped deluding myself into wanting reality to go my way. Delusions infest every area in life; they are no exceptions. Examples :
Friend seems to be taking advantage of you and you're angry? You've deluded yourself into wanting the perfect friend then. and you're frustrated because reality isn't following your game plan.
Plan something exciting and it fails in the end? delusions again. big mistake there for imagining something wonderful, should have been more realistic.
I've discarded myself completely of such delusions; and yes these examples were taken from personal experience. And another yes, I find myself much happier just dealing with things that cannot be changed.
I hope i find more of such delusions haunting life.
Past aside, my new year's resolution?
and hopefully, take up watercolour painting classes.
happy new year to you and your family,
from yours truly,
1 comment:
that isn't delusional, that's just taking things for granted, something everyone does and is next to impossible to avoid.
don't devoid yourself of hope and optimism - life would be so boring otherwise. :)
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